This biggest thing to take away form this class is that information wants to be free.
The easiest way I understood it was what my teacher said in class. “If information was music you’d want to play it out loud with people who will enjoy it. At the same the creators of the songs and the music producers want to be paid.
We also talked a lot about computer technology and other jargon for example a hypertext. A hypertext will allow a person to go anywhere they please on the web. Like on a Youtube video. At the end of the video there is an icon or something that if clicked on will bring you to an entirely new video. The biggest thing to remember about a hypertext is that it is not linear. A hypertext has no starting point and no end point, which at the time of its creation was a revolutionary idea.
When the class was over we left with these thoughts. ” If medium is the message, what is the message of HTML, HTTP, and the www?” Information wants to be freely shared and accessed.
-Andrea Moye